Be an Ad Salesman – The downside of Google ads and affiliate programs is you do not really have much control on your earnings and the ads that are displayed on your blog. If you want to play more seriously in the ad selling game, then you can use BlogAds’ free databases where you can set prices for advertisers to post your blog.
Some companies look for blogs that match their products and services and rent ad space the way they do with those traditional billboards you find along the freeway. You ad space can then be leased for a certain period of time. You would just need to pay 20 percent of your earnings to BlogAd.
Pass the Hat – While begging may not be so attractive as a means of getting many, doing it in style – online, that is – could be quite appealing, and not to mention profitable. There is nothing wrong about asking for money, and you could indeed make money if you ask nicely or if people like you (and your blog).
Many blogs have donation buttons on them. And true enough, many avid fans and visitors may be willing to share some of their wealth to you as a sign of appreciation for your well-written, compelling, and riveting blog. Donation buttons may be availed from PayPal, the famous escrow service, who would get a little out of your earnings when people do decide to spare some change. Similar options are offered by Amazon (Honor System) and BitPass. Most people can make their AdSense Blog sites veritable cash cows! Free $97 Secret Adsense Book at
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